James Adams Blog
Stage 2: 1990 - 1994
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1991 Cataract Convention:
This was an event I that organised in association with Wayne and Glenda Robinson. While inclement weather did provide some disruption this was overall a successful event. The highlight being the battle (shown left) on the long wooden causeway. Certainly some of the most intense and impressive combat I have ever been in (it certainly also amused the people at the 4WD convention next door as well). |
The 1993 Glenfield camp:
This event was not plagued by inclement weather and overall the event went quite well however, the cooks had some issues when they found the range of gas equipment on site was not connected to anything.
Also the first-aid attendants became quite paranoid, taking people to hospital on about a dozen occasions, fortunately often unnecessarily. |
The march of the Routiers (17th century pike and musket reenactment group) at the height of their glory. |
The event...
1994 Oracle Computers Show:
This was the largest show we ever performed, in front of a crowd of around 2000 at the Sydney Entertainment centre with some 70 combat participants.
Here the honour guard... |
...the beggar... |
...the medieval-man MC... |
...and some of the excellent and plentiful fighting. |
The evening culminated in a massive all-in brawl with all 70 medievalists battling in an area the size of half a doubles tennis court. At this point it really did seem that everyone in the crowd of thousands had brought along at least one flash camera. | |
The only disappointment (aside from some of the lighting) was that the musicians were arseholes. |
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